Killer Nashville Magazine
A Literary Journal
For all genres incorporating elements of mystery, thriller, suspense, action and/or romance
Selections from Killer Nashville have been included in The Best Mystery Stories of the Year anthologies and The Best American Mystery Stories anthologies
Current Issue
March 2025
Killer Nashville
Killer Nashville Magazine seeks to publish both fresh and established voices in ANY GENRE that incorporates elements of mystery, thriller, suspense, action, and/or romance (and we believe all good literary works and art contain those elements to varying degrees).
We welcome literary, mainstream, commercial, and genre fiction, nonfiction, essays, reviews, poetry, and art.
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
Craft Articles
Creative Nonfiction

Submit Your Writing to KN Magazine
Want to have your writing included in Killer Nashville Magazine?
Fill out our submission form and upload your writing here:
Get Seen! Get Read! Get Noticed!
"What an elating surprise to find my story published in Killer Nashville Magazine. It is already drawing attention. A book reviewer sent me a message asking for a copy of my debut novel!"
- Ernest Lancaster
Killer Nashville Magazine Staff
Clay Stafford / Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Isabelle Kanning / Senior Editor
Kylee Ludwig / Social Media Assistant
Venita Bonds / General Editorial
Donna Braswell / General Editorial
David Bushman / General Editorial
Michael Cody / General Editorial
Amy Denton / General Editorial
Vicki Erwin / General Editorial
Aimee Hardy / General Editorial
Augie Hicks / General Editorial
Chrissy Hicks / General Editorial
Catherine Hooper / General Editorial
Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes / General Editorial
James L’Etoile / General Editorial
Najla Mamou / General Editorial
Ciara McKinney / General Editorial
Jennifer Schmitz / General Editorial
Jennifer Silverman / General Editorial
Alexandrea Weis / General Editorial
Noelle Wells / General Editorial
Shane McKnight / Layout & Artistic