Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Readers' Choice Award
2024 Killer Nashville Readers’ Choice Award Finalists
Iced / Lee Clark
Hunting the Truth / Kathleen Donnelly
These Still Black Waters / Christina McDonald
Standing Dead: A Timber Creek K-9 Mystery / Margaret Mizushima
Awaken the Dawn / Ellis K. Popa
Bad Traffic / Patrick Weill
Winner will be announced at the 2024 Killer Nashville Awards Dinner on August 24, 2024 in Nashville, Tennessee
Has your book made it to the Readers’ Choice Award Finalists list? Promote it on your website and social media using our Killer Nashville Readers’ Choice Award Finalists emblem!
Covert Ops / Traci Abramson
From an Unknown Sender / Traci Abramson & Sian Bessey
Unseen / Traci Abramson
Worlds Collide / Traci Abramson
A New Game / A.M. Adair
Murder in the Choir Loft / Michael Adam
Cinderwild / Coranna Adams
Second Term / J.M. Adams
Bones & Bloodlines / Laurie Alberswerth
In the Key of Dead: A Miami Music Mystery / Zaida Alfaro
Don’t Close Your Eyes / Mary Alford
Big F@!king Deal / Lawrence Allan
Mouse in the Box / Lewis Allan
Sly Fox Hollow / Brett Allen
Whiskey Secrets / Joy Allyson
The Street Between the Pines / J.J. Alo
Revenge at the Galliano Club / Carmen Amato
Brush: A Novel / Penn Anderson
Three Strides Out: A Horse Show Novel of Suspense / V.S. Anderson
Fraidy Hole / Staci Andrea
Blind Mice Bite: A Matt Loose Mystery / Elle Andrews Patt
Wraith: An Andrea Kelley Mystery / Elle Andrews Patt
Lit - Ascent / Mark Anthony
Extreme Vetting: A Thriller / Roxana Arama
A Tryst in Paris, A Time Travel Romance / Anne Armistead
Harvest of a Down / Vladislav Avditskiy
Under the Cocoon Moon / Kathleen Bailey
Gamble of Hearts / Virginia Barlow
Parallel Secrets / ML Barrs
Heir to Murder / Tony Bassett
Rise to Rebellion / Julie Bates
Living Secrets: A Thriller / S.F. Baumgartner
Dumpster Dying / Michelle Bennington
A Welcome Reunion / Lucinda Berry
Reckoning / Baron Birtcher
The Horoscope Writer / Ash Bishop
The Price of Rebellion / Michael Bland
Poster Girl: A Jane Benjamin Novel / Shelley Blanton-Stroud
Monstera / EL Block
4:3:2:1:00 - Countdown to Death Day / Lee Bongiorni
The File / Gary Born
Edge of Reality / D.M. Bourgeois
Time Agents: Complications / Jodi Bowersox
Personal Demons / L.R. Braden
The Resurrectionists / Stephanie M. Braun
Once Upon A Crime / Alan Brenham
When Things Fall Apart / Alan Brenham
Every Silent Thing / Alan Brenham
The Vulture Fund / Jeff Buick
Checkout Time / John Bukowski
Sea of Red / James Bultema
Greenwich Mean Time / Reed Bunzel
Indigo Road / Reed Bunzel
Deep Fake Double Down / Debbie Burke
Watermelon Tattoo / Tony Burnett
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: Ten Steps from Baker Street / Thomas Burns
#TagMe for Murder / Sarah E. Burr
Over My Dead Blog / Sarah E. Burr
Forget It, Jake, It’s Schenectady: The True Story Behind ‘The Place Beyond the Pines’ / David Bushman
The Girl from Wudang / PJ Caldas
The Angel of Thunder Rock / Russell Camp
The Pilgrim - Part I / A. Keith Carreiro
The Last Beekeeper / Julie Carrick Dalton
Monster on the Loose / Richard Carrico
A Traitor’s Confession / Palmer Carroll
Angel Falls / Kathryn Casey
Ghosting My Friend / Chris Chan
Nessie’s Nemesis / Chris Chan
What the Monkey Saw / Lynn Chandler Willis
A Skeleton in Bone Creek / Baer Charlton
Artifacts of An Ex / Jennifer Chen
Play the Fool / Lina Chern
Hunterland / Dana Claire
Malice Aforethought: A True Story of the Shocking Double Crime That Horrified Nineteenth-Century New England / Avree Clark
Iced / Lee Clark
Kaleidoscope of Secrets / Sandy Clements
Ultimate Trust / Susan Cochran
Murder at Ferry Creek / G.A. Cockerham
Motive for Murder / Ray Collins
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord / Celeste Connally
Monstrilio / Gerardo Sámano Córdova
King Me / J.A. Crawford
One Night / Georgina Cross
In Light of All Darkness: Inside the Polly Klaas Kidnapping and the Search for America’s Child / Kim Cross
Came A Creature / David Dalessandro
South Toward Horn / Wes Dannreuther
Muddled Matrimonial Murder / Kim Davis
Cobalt: Rise and Fall of the Great Reset / Travis Davis
Beautiful Death / John Deal
Holiday Spirit / John DeGuire
Ash Like Vengeance (The Revere Trilogy #2) / J.L. Delavega
Undercover Lies / Donna Del Oro
Cross Roads / Tracey Devlyn
Lacey’s Star / Kay DiBianca
Hunting the Truth / Kathleen Donnelly
Scorched Grace / Margot Douaihy
No Time to Breathe / Lori Duffy Foster
The Paleontologist / Luke Dumas
Murder at the Royal Albert / Gerald Elias
A Wealth of Deception / Trish Esden
Siphon / Ley Esses
A Crown of Ash & Silver / B.C. FaJohn
Puppy Love / Mike Faricy
The Collector / Mike Faricy
Multo / Cindy Fazzi
The Black Hole Pastrami / Jeffrey Feingold
There is No Death in Finding Nemo / Jeffrey Feingold
Lewis Sinclair and the Gentlemen Cowboys / D.M.S. Fick
Murder at the Summit: A Blake Sisters Travel Mystery / Carter Fielding
Father Figure / Dan B. Fierce
Girl on Trial / Kathleen Fine
The Last Thing Claire Wanted / Karin Fitz Sanford
Ghosted / Helen Foster
Murder in the Cemetery / Shirley B. Garrett
The Enigma Code (Jade Weekes Book 2) / Judith Gains
Rain Falling on Embers / Liana Gardner
Love Lost Adventure: The Lie / Roseann Gargiulo
Hunting Fitz / Debra Gaskill
The Nest / Hal Glatzer
Ralph & Murray / Rick Glaze
Notorious in Nashville / Phyllis Gobbell
Into the Fog / Michelle Godard-Richer
The Followers / Bradeigh Godfrey
Nemesis Rising / Adam Golob
Where Echoes Die / Courtney Gould
Hidden: The Unsolved Mystery of Sarah Mumford / Michelle Graff
Black Cordite, White Snow / Nate Granzow
Downsized or Dead / S.E. Greco
This Side of Dark / Caren Hahn
The Broken Sister / Leigh M. Hall
The Desperation of Marla Adams / Patrick Hanford
Where Darkness Blooms / Andrea Hannah
The Confession of Hemingway Jones / Kathleen Hannon
Dunleavy / Mark Hannon
Reflections in a Dragon’s Eye / Bradley Harper MD
Death Pulls the Strings / Elle Hartford
Downpour / Christopher Hawkins
The Things That Stay True / Peter Hayes
Sons and Brothers / Kim Hays
Paper Walls / Glass Houses / Richard Helms
Vicar Brekonridge / Richard Helms
Inescapable, A Novel / WB Henley
Murder in the Bluegrass / Sasscer Hill
Interface: Book One: Connection / R.K. Hillhouse
Mirov / David Hoke
Vessels of Wrath / Thomas Holland
Their Angel’s Cry / Shannon Hollinger
Cupcakes and Cauldrons / Polly Holmes
Summer People / Sara Hosey
The Salt Cutter / CJ Howell
Cherokee Rose / James Humphrey
Deputy #714 Is Down / Christine Husom
The Smoking Gun In Music City / Gerry Hyder
A Counterfeit of Death - Murial Robertson 3 / Sarah Ickes
Beneath the Bones / Candace Irving
Invisible Wounds / Candace Irving
Naked Came the Detective / Glendall Jackson
The Sasquatch of Hawthorne Elementary / K.B. Jackson
Secrets Don’t Sink / Kate B. Jackson
The Woodkin / Alexander James
Karma Comes in Red, A Beyond Mystery / Morgan James
BeatNikki’s Cafe / Renee James
Broker of Lies / Steven James
Hard Rain / Samantha Jayne Allen
Mourning Bay / Kay Jennings
Crash Site / A.C. Jett
Moonglow Road / CJ Johnson
Bladestay / Jackie Johnson
The Moonshine Messiah / Russell Johnson
Missing Clarissa / Ripley Jones
The Zone: A Cyberpunk Thriller / Stu Jones
Here, Where Death Delights / Mary Jumbelic
The Greedy Three / Karen Katchur
Pups, Pumpkins and Murder / Syrl Kazlo
Deadly Tides / Mary Keliikoa
Man-Killer / Lawrence Kelter
Ten Stories That Worried My Mother / Winona Kent
The Salty Iguana / Bill King
Fact & Fiction / Justin M. Kiska
Murder on the Books / Christine Knapp
Bloodbank / Chris Knopf
Create Destruction Phase: I / Ryan Kovacs
A Place of Vengeance / David Lafferty
Shocked by Champagne / Lucy Lakestone
The Black Spanish Flower / Ernest Lancaster
Stolen Diary / Kathryn Lane
Blood Influence - Apostasy / I.C. Lawrance
Hitman’s Girl / Lynessa Layne
Point Blank / Lynessa Layne
Cynthia the Enforcer / Jane Lee
A Woman’s Vengeance / Jane B. Lee
Above it All / Heather Leigh
The Table by the Window / Paul Leon
Face of Greed / James L’Etoile
The Symbolist / Kathleen Lopez
A Killer App, An HOA Mystery / Linda Lovely
The Darkness Surrounds Us / Gail Lukasik
Cultured / DP Lyle
Death Takes A Fall: A Cotswold Crimes Mystery / Sharon Lynn
Hanging The Devil / Tim Maleeny
Lest She Forget / Lisa Malice
Relentless / Michael Maloof
Dauntless Transgressions: New Jersey / Dex Marick
The School of Homer / Alexander Marriott
Farmerville Episode 1: Till Those Cows Comes Home / Marty Martin
The Fog Ladies: Date with Death / Susan McCormick
Final Cut / Marjorie McCown
The Murder of Madison Garcia / Marcy McCreary
These Still Black Waters / Christina McDonald
The Forget-Me-Knot / Richard F. McGonegal
Splinter / Paul McHugh
The Unexpected Hostage / Allison McKenzie
Pieces of Me / Kate McLaughlin
Red Flags: A Novel / Rebecca McQueen
Blues City Clues / Carolyn McSparren
Do You Believe in Magic? / Jim Melvin
The Climate Pandemic: How Climate Disruption Threatens Human Survival / Dennis Meredith
Paradise is Deadly - Gripping Tales from Florida’s Gulf Coast / Teresa Michael
The Empty Kayak / Jode Millman
Perspectives / Matthew Minson
Trust the Terrier: A Coral Shores Veterinary Mystery / DL Mitchell
Standing Dead: A Timber Creek K-9 Mystery / Margaret Mizushima
A Tall Dark Trouble / Vanessa Montalban
When You Read This I’ll Be Gone / Anne Moose
Hook, Line, and Sinker: The Seventh Guppy Anthology / Emily Murphy
Peril in the Pool House - A Chesapeake Bay Mystery / Judy L. Murray
An Itch for Danger / Christa Nardi
The Dead Certain Doubt: An Ed Earl Burch Novel / Jim Nesbitt
Pathside Predator/ Christine Noyes
The Brisling Code / J.L. Oakley
The Hemingway Deception / TJ O’Connor
Arsenic At Ascot, A Fiona Figg & Kitty Lane Mystery / Kelly Oliver
Claw Heart Mountain / David Oppegaard
The Wayward Target / Susan Ouellette
Cruel Lessons / Randy Overbeck
Hollywood / Howard Owen
Murder You Wrote: An Interactive Mystery / L.J.M. Owen
Alphas and Auras: A Sonny and Breanne Mystery #5 / James Paavola
A Seed for Murder / Owen Parr
When the House Burns Down / Priscilla Paton
Citizen Orlov / Jonathan Payne
Finding YOUR Path to Publication: A Step-by-Step Guide / Judy Penz Sheluk
Self-publishing: The Ins & Outs of Going Indie / Judy Penz Sheluk
In Her Sights / Linda Petrilli Duncan
A Mother’s Torment / Xavier Poe Kane
Broken Hearts & Other Horrors / Xavier Poe Kane
Awaken the Dawn / Ellis K. Popa
Sting of Lies / Carol Potenza
Pierce the Darkness / Nannette Potter
Implied Consent / Keenan Powell
The Sorrowful Girl / Keenan Powell
Dead Men Don’t Retire (A Spirit of the Law Mystery) / Lolli Powell
Phantom / Helen Power
First Casualty / A.W. Powers
Ashes to Ashes / Mindy Quigley
Backstabbed on Broadway / Carolyn Quinn
Ghost Tamer / Meredith R. Lyons
Breaking Apart / Mary Rae
Rising Ashes: A Tried & True Novel / Charli Rahe
Up Jumped the Devil - A Crescent City NOLA Mystery / Martha Reed
Flip or Flop, Murder House / Lynda Rees
Fresh Starts, Dirty Money / Lynda Rees
Saint Bloodbath / Frederick Reynolds
FounderLand / Michael Richards
Dead West / Linda L. Richards
Murder in Fourth Position / Lori Robbins
Sing a Song of Murder / Lori Roberts
Negative Reaction / Lori Roberts Herbst
You Shouldn’t Have Come Here / Jeneva Rose
KYD’S GAME / Marc Rosenberg
Playing Dead / Peggy Rothschild
Coded to Kill / Marschall Runge
The Trap / Catherine Ryan Howard
The Muck / John Ryland
Float the Boat / Mark S. Ehrlich
A Blanket of Steel / Timothy S. Johnston
The Rule of Thirds / Jeannee Sacken
Dying for a Decoration / Cindy Sample
The Last Drop of Hemlock / Katherine Schellman
Immortality: A Love Story / Dana Schwartz
Beverly Bonnefinche is Dead / Kristen Seeley
Fishing, Festivities & Fatalities / Mary Seifert
Shadow State / Frank Sennett
The Dollmaker / Morgan Shamy
A Change in Destiny, Dark Choices / Janet K. Shawgo
Model Suspect / TK Sheffield
Finally Free: A Surrender to Authenticity / Seth Showalter
The Centre / Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi
Murderous Means / Lida Sideris
The Ocean Above Me / Kevin Sites
The Family Tree / William Skeehan
Never Doubt Nadine / Roger Skrypczak
Missed Cue / Lynn Slaughter
The Art of Misdirection / Jessica Sly
The Warmaker: A Black Spear Novel / Benjamin Spada
Snap Decision / Holly Spofford
A Deadly Game / Laraine Stephens
We’re All Lying / Marie Still
With A Twist A Murder on the Rocks Mystery / Cathi Stoler
A Cop’s Son: One G-Man’s Fight Against Jihad, Global Fraud and the Cartels / Kenneth Strange
Shadow Sanction / Steve Stratton
Last Minute Guest / Drew Strickland
Secrets in the Squalor / Drew Strickland
Vendetta in the Valley / Drew Strickland
In$ured to the Hilt (A John Smith Mystery) / Charlotte Stuart
Raven’s Grave / Charlotte Stuart
Darwin’s Dilemma / Don Stuart
Vanished on the Vaudeville Circuit / Carolyn Summer Quinn
Danje / Gitte Tamar
The Adventure of the Castle Thief and Other Expeditions and Indiscretions / Art Taylor
Hounds of Gaia / Sean Tirman
The Legacy / C.L. Tolbert
Splintered Loyalty / Mark Troy
Between Night and Fog / Mike Tucker
Over the Top Secret / Alexa Tuttle
Always the Almost / Edward Underhill
The Cold Winter / Chris Underwood
Liar’s Dice / Gabriel Valjan
Assassins Are Us / Kimberly Van Sickle
Girl Among Crows / Brendon Vayo
Saving Myles / Carl Vonderau
The Courtesan’s Secret / Nina Wachsman
What Remains / Wendy Walker
Believe: 13 Hauntings / Elizabeth Wathen
Artificial Wisdom / Thomas Weaver
Bayou Chase / JD Webb
Bad Traffic / Patrick Weill
Stateless / Elizabeth Wein
Lethal Blues / Randy Weir
Divine Retribution / Randy Weir
River of Wrath (St. Benedict #2) / Alexandrea Weis
Suddenly Deadly / Virginia Welker
Titanium Web / LM Whitaker
The Corpse Bloom / Bryan Wiggins
This is the Way the World Ends / Jen Wilde
Keep Your Doors Locked / Becki Willis
Weight of the Badge / Becki Willis
Aussied to Death / C.B. Wilson
A Crafty Collage of Crime / Lois Winston
Vivian Van Tassel and the Secret of Midnight Lake / Michael Witwer
Prom Queen / Laura Wolfe
The In-Laws / Laura Wolfe
The Offer / D.L. Wood
The Immortal Detective / D.B. Woodling
Blood Relations / Joyce Woollcott
People to Follow / Olivia Worley
Talisman Gifts of the Shavtal / Toni Yap
The Body in the News / Gay Yellen
The Shapes of Wrath / Melissa Yi
Obsession / Multiple Authors
We Could be Heroes / Multiple Authors
2024 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Readers’ Choice Award
Every year Killer Nashville receives hundreds of submissions for our Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award competition for best books of the previous year. It takes several rounds of judging by industry professionals to determine the winner(s). However, the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Readers’ Choice Award is different. This is your chance to vote for YOUR Top 10 favorites! You may vote for up to 10 titles, but you can only vote once. Spread the word and encourage other fans to vote! Voting is open until midnight Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

“Killer Nashville was a runaway favorite among our readers, earning more votes than any other event on our list and attracting writers, agents, editors, fans of crime and thriller literature, and forensic experts from across the country every year.”
“When The Devil’s Bible won the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. Having a group of your peers affirm your work gives you the kind of confidence boosts that lasts—even in those darker times of self-doubt when it’s just you and your computer.”
“I started writing at the age of sixty-three, so I was anxious to hit the ground running as an author. The Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award has clearly advanced my career and I encourage others to reach for their dreams and to seek the recognition this award bestows. Keep writing! ”